Track and Trace Obstacles, Solutions and Benefits
29 December 2017
Turkey Pharmaceutical Market (Jan-June 2017 Report)
12 January 2018Until recently, most pharmaceutical manufacturers have focused on fulfilling lot-level traceability and serialization compliance requirements. But in the upcoming years, there is a deadline which effects every unit of the supply chain. Before the deadline every manufacturer, distributor, hospitals and pharmacies have to adjust their systems according to 2011/62/EU Directive.
According to the results of a survey KPMG conducted, more than %70 of participants accepts the serialization ideia and take action because they think the data taken from the serialization process can help the current business process change for the better. We can say that for the ones who made large investments for serialization, they have a consciousness about the high benefits of serialization.
We can summerize the results of the survey as the following:
- %100 of the participants plans to implement enterprise IT solution for their serialization infrastructure. %76 of participants already have implemented the solutions.
- %72 of the participants plans or already did the implementation of a track and trace system to use the serial numbers of the products to establish a connection between the orders and products that sent to the customers.
- %86 of the participants have started to organize their data collection systems to include both internal and external suppliers.
- %76 of the participants plans or already is doing improvements on their work processes with the data they collected from serialization.
- %48 of the participants have completed their aggregation project not voluntarily but for meeting the market’s requirements.
- %29 of the participants doesn’t have any plans for the serialization data.
Participants noted that they have seen the tremendous potential for the future by creating value in specific areas. More than half of the participants (52%) view the credit calculation and routing supervision as top organizational priorities and are making plans accordingly.